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Health Tips that You Shouldn’t Miss Every Day

Many girls are looking for quick and external tips to enhance their beauty. But, most of times, they are forgetting about their health and health tips. You should keep in mind that healthy body is one of key elements for your external beauty. SO, today let’s look into some health tips that you shouldn’t miss in your daily route. Find the below health tips;

Health Tips for your day-to-day life

1. Don’t skip your breakfast – Do you know that skipping breakfast and starting your day is like driving around with limited gas? If you will skip your breakfast, then you will expose to a higher risk of diabetes. So one of a health tips is having your breakfast every day if you want to feel happier, more functional and if you want to stay healthy.

Komarika Treatments

We know “Komarika” is one of the popular plants in use at beauty culture. We’ve discussed the beauty benefits of Komarika (or what kind of benefits from Komarika) at our early article. So today, we thought to share some Komarika Treatments that will help you to enhance your beauty. But you should be careful, if you have any disease with your skin or illness in your skin or allergy on your face/body, don’t try these Komarika Treatments’ recipes without following advises of your doctor.

Let’s see what are these home-made Komarika Treatments

Komarika Treatments for a Glowing Skin
Ingredients: Turmeric, Komarika, Rose Water, Honey & Milk
Steps: You should make a paste with using a small amount of turmeric with 1 tablespoon of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and a few drops of rose water. Then add “komarika” into this mixture and mix it well. Then, apply it on your face and neck. You should leave it for around 20 minutes. After that, wash off this with warm water and experience your new glowing skin. Definitely you will feel great!

Doughter – Be careful of people who are ready to help you voluntarily…

We know, day by day, we should protect ourselves from this greedy world. Especially our teenagers should care themselves well. When we read newspapers/online article or when hearing to news in radio/ television, how many unexpected criminals we are hearing! So, that’s why today we thought to talk to our “Diyaniya” (daughter), regarding her protection.
If you are “Diyaniya” (daughter) who is just step to 16 years old, or if you have a Diyaniya who is in teenage year, you should know about this rude world. Especially, when you are waiting for a bus, to go school, tuition class or to office, sometimes (you might experience also) some strange vehicles are stopping and asking you to give lifts. My dear Diyaniya, don’t get into that kind of vehicles…. Even though, you will get late for your work, school or tuition class, don’t step into that, Diyaniya. I will tell you a small story.

How to be Beautiful with Ayurveda

Most of our girls are suffering from beauty related matters. And most of them are looking for instant solutions for that. So they are looking for western cultured medicines which are made with chemicals. But do you know that our Ayurveda Sri Lanka has in its stores some of the best solutions for all kinds of beauty related matters? What you have to do is tap into nature’s immense potential to keep our skin beautiful. We know our Ayurveda Sri Lanka is our very own science of medicine that is attracting many tourists also.
Therefore, today let’s see how to be beautiful with Ayurveda Sri Lanka.

Some of Beauty Tips from Ayurveda Sri Lanka

  1. Cleanse your skin and pores with using raw milk
One of well-known and basic beauty tips even in Ayurveda Sri Lanka is cleansing the skin by using raw milk. It gives a glow to your face. And it helps to remove unseen dirt and impurities from the face as well as the pores of the skin. You can cleanse your skin by using raw milk with a cotton ball. If you like, you can mix a little lemon juice with this raw milk also.

Health Tips from Wood Apple

Wood apple – it is one of favourite fruits/drinks of some of us, don’t you? As Sri Lankans, we can easily find wood apple. But do you know this wood apple has many health tips? And it is one of good beauty tips for you. Wood apple is rich in natural acids, such as oxalic, tannic and malic citric acid. It is a source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B and C. We know as beauty, health is also important thing to us.So find these health tips of wood apple.

See the health benefits of Wood Apple

  1. Good Remedy for Digestion – It helps to destroy worms in the intestine and good for digestive disorders, in order to have health body system. So it’s one of good health tips.
  2. Good Blood Cleanser – You can purify your blood and remove the toxins that can cause extensive damage to the body by even little as 50 mg of wood apple juice mixed with warm water and sugar. It’s also one of good health tips!

Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking Water…. is it essential? If you have a vehicle, have you ever try to run it without gasoline and lubricants? Likewise, our body is designed to function on nutrients from food and water.  Not only that, but “drinking water” gives many benefits. Therefore, let’s see what kind of beauty and health benefits that you are receiving from water.

Several Benefits of Drinking Water

  1. It helps to heal body from damage or disease
  2. It helps to maintain youthfulness by keeping skin hydrated
  3. Water helps to carry you into old age in health
  4. Drinking water affects to your weight loss also
  5. It helps to reduce wrinkles by filling in and plumping the skin

How to Surprise your Girlfriend? 10 Awesome Tips

1. Prepare a flash mob for her

Okay I might have started sounding like an insane person and may be this idea is a bit over the top but man! When actually there will be a group of 7-10 people dancing and performing just for her the expressions on her face will be priceless! Gather your friends and somehow convince them to do so or hire professionals and ask them to do a well choreographed verse in front of her while you two just leave the mall or are having lunch in open. This will be crazy and so awesome!

2. Drive her to “your” place

By your place I don’t mean where you live but a place where the two of you met for the first time or maybe some other significant place which is special for you two as a couple. Make your girl sit in the car, blindfold her, put on some romantic music and make light conversations while you drive to keep her engaged. When you finally reach there open her blindfold and she will be really surprised. You might want to recreate your first date, do everything you did that day and relive those precious memories.

Important Things You Foolishly Ignore When You're 'Blinded By Love'

Love looks A LOT different when that "romance high" wears off.
Shakespeare famously wrote about the experience of being "blinded by love" in three of his plays to caution audiences about the slippery nature of ignoring the faults of those we adore.
It turns out, The Bard was onto something. Science tell us that love does perform a bit of trickery on our minds, especially in the beginning of a relationship when we're flooded with a powerful cocktail of chemicals that mimic the experience of being high on cocaine.
We feel "high on love' ... because we literally are! 
In The Merchant of Venice (Act 2, Scene 6), Shakespeare writes: "But love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit."  Or, in modern translation: "But love is blind, and lovers can’t see the silly things they do around each other."
Most of  pregnant ladies are not much aware about pregnancy exercises during their pregnancy periods. Some are thinking it’s not good for their health. But now you have good news that you can safely start and continue an exercise program during your pregnancy. But you can’t do all exercises that you did before you got pregnant. However, firstly you should review your exercise plan with your healthcare provider before you begin. As this writing is about pregnancy exercises for beginners, you should keep in mind that your pregnancy isn’t the time to try to lose weight or begin a vigorous exercise routine.
There are few instructions that you should follow, if you’ll start pregnancy exercises

05 Things You Should Know About Your Husband

Are you a newly married lady? Or are you continuing your family life since many years? However, this writing will be useful for both types of wives. When you maintain a family life, as a wife, you should know about your husband well. You may have many days that your husband has surprised you. Have you surprised him also? You may think that you know all about your husband. You may know a food he loves, a song that makes his face light up or a dream he might have for your family. But there are also things that you do know and as a result, your relationship is better, your connection stronger.

If you want to have a happy family life, follow these tips….

 1.Balancing work and home life
Actually it’s not easy to balance your work and home life. But if you will try to manage that, then you will experience a difference at your relationship with your family. Think about your family commitments as well as when you accomplish your job duties.

  1. Look after yourself, while think about others
Majority in our society, parents are spending their whole time for looking after everyone else in the family. That’s good, but if you don’t look after yourself, you will end up feeling miserable and resentful. It’s not a selfish idea. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. Just take few minutes per day to think about yourself and do what you want. Then you will feel happy in your family life.

Sex during Pregnancy

Are you afraid to have sex life during your pregnancy? Or do you think it’s not good to your situation? What’s your idea about this sex during pregnancy? Actually, there is no reason to change or alter your sexual activity unless your doctor or mid wife tells any matters with your health. No need to worry about your baby, your baby is well protected in your uterus by the amniotic fluid that surrounds hime/her. So, intercourse/orgasm will not be able to do any harm to your baby. But, when you will get to know that you are  pregnant, then you should take advise form your doctor or mid wife about this sex during pregnancy, because if you have a history of miscarriages or if you have certain complications like premature labor or bleeding, then those health providers may recommend not having intercourse early in pregnancy.

06 Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

All of us know, there are many women suffer from breast cancers or diseases related to breasts. So, even you don’t suffer with any such a disease, it’s better if you will care of your breasts. Because, it is said that if cancer does strikes, it can be more aggressive. So, we thought to share with you some ways to keep your breasts healthy. Mainly, a healthy lifestyle can help protect your breasts. And as ladies, you know the healthy breasts add value to your beauty also. So, let’s see how to keep your breasts healthy…

Why are soda drinks bad for you?

All of us know that soda drinks are a popular beverage in our society. But there are many side effects of having soda drinks. On one hand, soda drinks are being very high in sugar and on the other hand it is loaded with high fructose corn syrup which has been associated with an increased risk in metabolic syndrome. However, drinking soda drinks have many bad effects to our body. So, let’s see some few bad effects of soda drinks.

11 Ways To Make Your Long-Term Marriage Happier, Starting Today

The honeymoon period in most marriages has a shelf life. But does that mean you can't bring back those fluttery butterfly feelings of excitement and anticipation everyone experiences at the beginning of a relationship? Absolutely not. All marriages maneuver through rough patches. Some don't survive long enough to come out the other side unscathed. But many do. Here are 11 ways to keep your marriage fresh.

1. Remind your partner (and yourself) that you appreciate them.
After you've been married for many, many years, that passionate kiss when your partner walks in the door can easily morph into a peck on the check that can then morph into an inability even to look up from your computer. Over the course of my 23-year marriage, there are times when I've felt my own husband and I were starting to become so familiar with each other that we were settling into a stultifying -- albeit comfortable -- routine. But there's a real danger in that. Studies show that nearly half of men who have cheated say it was because of emotional dissatisfaction -- and not sex. When men don't feel connected or appreciated by their wives, they are vulnerable to the advances of any attractive woman who casts a lustful glance their way. And fellows, it works the other way as well.
In his film "Annie Hall," Woody Allen charged that "a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies." I believe he was right.

How can I make my relationship happier and healthier?

As a family physician, I have the privilege of caring for couples who have been together for several decades. I often take the opportunity to ask them about the keys to a healthy, happy, long-lasting relationship. Here are the most important lessons I have learned from these patients and my own family over the years:
Be willing to sacrifice some of your wants and needs. Take pride in your willingness to compromise and put aside your need to be right. This also means that you need to have a higher threshold for voicing disapproval of your partner’s behavior. Being more tolerant of each other makes your everyday life a lot more pleasant. Whatever habits your partner has right now that annoy you, count on them getting worse—not better—as you get older. Learn to tolerate your partner’s quirks and identify your own, so you can try to keep them in check.

9 Hidden Reasons to Stay Motivated

Everyone tells us to stay motivated. Our friends, our co-workers, our relatives say to keep going, don’t quit. Sometimes, though, you ask, "Why? Why try my hardest when it ends in disappointment? Why go through something when it’s going to hurt? Why?"

Because it’s going to be different this time! Because you can’t accomplish anything that you give up on. Disappointments and failures happen to everyone. The difference between those who reach their goals and those who don’t is staying motivated. If you’re motivated, you’ll keep going. If you keep going, eventually you’ll reach your goal.

Need more reasons? Here are 10 of our ‘hidden’ reasons to stay motivated. Use one or all of them to keep the fire burning inside you.

1. Confidence

How did it feel after that first jog around the block? Or when you finally walked the stairs at work without losing your breath? The more you accomplish, the more you’ll believe in yourself.

Do you know,how to we born

The process of fertilization and the formation of human

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle, not just a New Year’s resolution. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.

Step 1

Maintain a healthy weight. Determine whether you are overweight by checking your body mass index. If you are overweight, it can lead to a higher risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and certain cancers.

Top Reasons Why Women Reject Men

You finally get the courage to ask a girl out, then you get rejected. We’ve all been there at some point, and there are a wider variety of reasons why this may have happened. Getting rejected is no fun, especially when you having been trying to get the courage to speak to a women over a long period of time.
Despite the changes in modern society the burden still lies with the man to make the first move and step up to the plate. Here are some key reasons why men get rejected by women and how best to avoid them.
These 12 reasons are in no particular order but here are some key points which men should take into consideration when approaching a woman.

1: Bad Presentation

In the age of the metrosexual where clean cut and well maintained men region supreme hygiene is important. They tend to make a decision on whether they will date a man within the first 10 seconds of seeing a male.
First impressions start with appearance so make sure that you hygiene is up to par. Clean teeth are essential, a clear sign that a man looks after themselves.

Tips For Healthy And Young Looking Skin

skin experts say that the best way to keep your skin healthy and looking young is to protect it from the sun and not smoke: and after that, taking care with how you wash, moisturize your skin and shave also help.
According to a British Association of Dermatologists survey carried out in 2008, many Britons are unaware that sun protection can keep the skin looking younger, believing instead that applying a daily moisturizer, eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and having facial massages will suffice.
The Sun Awareness campaign officer at the Association, Maria Tabou, told the press at the time that such measures will have "nowhere near the anti-ageing impact of sun protection".
Not only does exposure to UV increase a person's risk of skin cancer, it also affects the elastin in the skin, which leads to wrinkles and sun-induced skin ageing such as leatheriness and blotchy pigmentation. Featured below are 5 tips for healthy skin...

Tip #1 for healthy skin: Sun protection

To protect yourself from the sun, they advise the following three methods (with maximum protection coming from using all three).According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, a non-profit organization with an international reputation, most of the changes seen in ageing skin are actually "caused by a lifetime of sun exposure".

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

The establishment of all objectives should be created using the S.M.A.R.T. philosophy.  What do we mean by a S.M.A.R.T. objective?  S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that is used to guide the development of measurable goals. Each objective should be:

Measurable w/Measurement


Specific answers the questions "what is to be done?" "how will you know it is done?" and describes the results (end product) of the work to be done. The description is written in such a way that anyone reading the objective will most likely interpret it the same way.  To ensure that an objective is specific is to make sure that the way it is described is observable.  Observable means that somebody can see or hear (physically observe) someone doing something.

Measurable w/Measurement

Measurable w/Measurement answers the question "how will you know it meets expectations?" and defines the objective using assessable terms (quantity, quality, frequency, costs, deadlines, etc.).  It refers to the extent to which something can be evaluated against some standard.  An objective with a quantity measurements uses terms of amount, percentages, etc..  A frequency measurement could be daily, weekly, 1 in 3.  An objective with a quality measurement would describe a requirement in terms of accuracy, format, within university guidelines.

Stress Stress Management &Smoking

What is stress?
The term “stress” can have many different meanings and can relate to many different things. At times, it is used to refer to environmental events that trigger a bodily reaction. At other times, it is used to describe that reaction itself.

Stress is the body’s natural response to demands. It is usually felt as an urgency or tension. Stress is a natural and, indeed, a necessary part of life. Positive stress can feel exciting and helps you meet your challenges. But prolonged stress can lead to damaging stress reactions that result in psychological and emotional disorders, psychosomatic disorders (a physical disorder whose cause is linked to an emotional state), and even life-threatening diseases.

What are stressor triggers?
There are two types of stressors -- those that reside primarily outside the person and those that are more within the person. Examples of stressors outside the person include economic pressures; rapid technological, social, or personal change; difficult work environments; and interpersonal conflicts. Factors within the individual that influence stress include personality patterns, patterns of thinking and acting, unrealistic expectations, unmet needs, and genetics.

How To Tell if a Woman is Interested in You

Although there are no sure-fire ways to tell, here are some way to guess if a woman is interested in you, especially for bisexual and lesbian women.

She Tries to Make Eye Contact
Does she go out of her way to try and catch your eye? Do you catch her looking at you when you glance her way? These are signs that she's intrigued, but it may or may not have anything to do with a romantic interest. Pay attention to the context. These clues are a lot more telling at a lesbian bar then in the workplace.

She Makes a Point of Sitting Near You
At work she sits next to you in staff meetings. In a group of friends she'll take the seat right next to you or right across from you.

Secret Signs

The 13 secret signs that tell you what a man will be like in bed (and why you should keep your eye out for one who bites his nails)

  • Tracey says that even the smallest gestures are sexual giveaways 
  • Nail biters and loopy handwriting is a sign of a passionate lover
  • Road rage indicates an impatient lover and bad posture suggests laziness

With the sun on our skin, more of our bodies exposed, lazy afternoons at the pub fuelled by gallons of Rose it's really no surprise that our libidos lift during summer.
Which makes this the perfect time to talk about how to size up a potential new lover, with hardly any effort at all on your part!
Here are 13 secret signs that giveaway much more than he realises and help you figure out if he's worth it...

Picking up a woman from a group

Almost every time you turn to the Discovery Channel, you see some poor creature that has wandered away from the pack and become vulnerable to a fierce, lurking predator. Before the creature realizes that she is in any danger, it's too late; the predator has attacked and the pack will forever have one less member.

While the dating world is not quite like the jungle, there are some similarities, such as the social behavior of the female of the species. Just like many of nature's creatures, women often travel in packs -- as we first noticed in junior high.

Men have also maintained a kinship with the wild kingdom: Like the predator, they are ultimately looking to satisfy a carnal instinct. So find your predatory impulse and read on to learn how to break a woman away from her pack. There are two tactical approaches: solo or with a wingman.

Avoid The Friend Zone

                                                      WOMEN can get sex anywhere, any time and any way they want it. The problem for us guys is that women don’t want sex anywhere, any time and any way we want it. For women, sex comes bundled up with an onslaught of dizzying and complicated emotions. The result? It’s infinitely easier for women to place men into the category of “friends” rather than admit them as lovers.
In fact, for a woman, a male friend is the best of both worlds: She can reap all the benefits of having a man around (strength, decision-making, solid advice, logic, common sense, and so on) without the hormone-based entanglements that sex brings to the table.
But men are different. Since we aren’t saddled with psychologically crippling emotions, we aren’t burdened with the senselessness of separating friendship from sex. In fact, for us, it’s just the opposite: When a man likes a woman, he naturally wants to express his feelings between the sheets. This is natural.

Unfortunately, the female brain can’t process this logic. Instead, it quickly “either-ors” any guy it encounters. Either he’s going to be a lover or he’s going to be a friend. And once a woman has relegated you to the "friend zone,” it’s all but impossible for her to see you in any other way. Of course, she’ll still expect you to act like the lovers she’s currently sex-ploiting -- by forcing you to pay for her meals and cart her around like a chauffeur -- but without the fringe benefit of doing the horizontal hula.
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